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Mr La Marina, Phil Moris

By Bobbie Sims
On Saturday 16th May La Marina members were together to play our annual memorial game for our late president and friend, Phil Morris.

Phil was our Hon President from 2001-2013, and his wife Joan has dedicated a trophy in his memory which we enjoy playing for each year, on a sunny morning we were together with fun and memories of a man who was highly thought of for all he did for our club over his many years with us.

Although there were some trips and some rinks, our runners up this year were Angie Butler, George Furzer, Jimmy Freeman and Bill Jones and winners were Roger Stacey, John Rae and Barry Sadler, as usual a great time was had by all.

A big thank you goes to Louisa, the owner of our club who provided a splendid buffet after the game.

La Marina